Bone Banner



I’m trying to go in an environment art direction. This piece is part of a larger scene I’d like to build in Unreal that’s meant to be a Mortal Kombat-esque stage.  In the background I’ll have a few of these giant skeletons coming out of the ground with tattered war banners.  Finishing up the zbrush sculpt now!



Vor’Cha Class Klingon ship


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Been busy with random junk lately but I wanted to post a model of a TNG-era Klingon warship that I’m getting close to finishing up.  It’s about 12k tris with a 2048 Albedo/Normal/Gloss & Metallic maps.  Currently tweaking the textures in dDo and having a blast with all the options.  I initially made the normal map in nDo, and used it to create a cavity, convexity, AO & height map for use in dDo.  It still needs windows in an emissive map, not sure why I keep putting that off. :/  Anyway tomorrow morning I’ll post the textures as they currently are, time for ZZZZZ. vorcha1



Finished this guy last fall and never got around to posting him.  16.5k tris and 2 x 1024 diffuse/normal 2 x 512 spec maps; one set of textures for the torso and one for the wings.  Not really sure how I feel about him overall.  I didn’t really go into Zbrush with a solid concept, so I meandered a bit too long between iterations before just saying “this is a good point to stop at.”  The diffuse was a polypaint from Zbrush.  Somewhere down the line I might try making a more refined version of him.

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Fat Guy W.I.P.


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A few years back I did a sculpt based off of some concept art I found online.  The older version is detailed in this old post.  It was for a class and was pretty rushed; I didn’t get anywhere near the amount of detail I wanted put into it.

I still found myself thinking about that cool concept painting; something about the character is just really interesting to me, probably because there’s just not much of him out there.  I caved and decided to try an updated sculpt now that I’m a little better with ZBrush and so far it’s coming along better than the previous version.  Before anyone says anything, I know the hair and chest area are lacking detail compared to the face.  I just fell into a detail well with all the jowls and forehead wrinkles, I’ll address the aforementioned pretty soon!

What I’m looking to get out of this is just a nicely sculpted character bust.  I plan on polypainting the final version.  Also playing with the idea of putting some kind of surgically implanted looking tech on his chest where his suit might attach to his body, almost like a spacesuit does to a jumpsuit.



I’m also starting to fool around with a final pose for the character.  Something about him feels smug or condescending so that’s what I’m playing with now.



W.I.P. dump coming soon

Random things in the pipeline; (no images yet, but soon)

-A dragon model I’m cleaning up.  Was the first character I made this year after about a year of vacation from game art.  He’s a bit rough but still turned out alright, will be up soon.

-ZBrush character bust.  Based on some concept art I found online years ago.  Large, obese character, lots of volume being affected by gravity.  Fun!

-Probably coolest; A hard-surface armor character.  Trying out ZBrush’s hard surface sculpting tools and they are suprisingly a time-saver vs Maya for this more organic hard surface development than I’d of thought.

Will be throwing up w.i.p. images soon!

‘The Herald’ Character


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This character came out of some sketches I had done 2, maybe even 3 years ago.  This year had me doing things other than 3D modeling so I figured I needed to come back with a vengeance and this concept looked like it would work.

He clocks in at 37,402 tris, which is on the heavy side.  However he was never intended for mobile, though I would like to try a down-resed version of him.  I wanted to make something that looked like it could be on a current gen console.  Additionally; I’ve found that in the past I’ve had a tendency to sometimes ‘under-model’ in an attempt at an efficient polycount, so I spoiled myself this time around.

Process-wise; I created a bunch of base meshes in Maya to bring in as Zbrush subtools.  I nearly lost a hand sculpting all the dress skin wrinkles but I think it paid off.  I then retopoed the decimated Zbrush subtools with Maya’s Modeling toolkit, and used a combo of XNormal and Maya’s transfer maps to get the normals.  I used Quixel dDO for the first time to texture this model, which was a huge time saver, and also quite cool since it was my intro to PBR rendering.

Concept sketches



Marmoset 2 Renders.  The altar he’s standing on was just a repurposing of his arm and a few cylinders for the stone areas, and a quick Zbrush sculpt for the candle.  textured in dDO as well.  I think the whole base was done in one night while I was waiting for my internet to start working again.




He had 3 separate materials; Dress, Torso and Misc garments



‘The Occupant’ creature


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The Occupant is 3520 tris total.  Realistically it could have been modeled at a lot less, but you live and learn.  Conceptually it didn’t really have a name or background.  I wanted to create a thing that didn’t look like you could reason or negotiate with, or really understand its intentions.  The game/story ended up being so simple that that didn’t really matter though.

It was sculpted in Zbrush and the diffuse was created from a Zbrush polypaint as well.

Just got Marmoset Toolbag 2, which is what this is rendered in. Would have loved to have something look like this in-game.


‘The Occupant’ gameplay screens


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The UI art was done by the designer, all 3D objects where mine.  The object of the game was pretty simple; to collect objects strewn about a floor of an abandoned apartment and escape on the elevator before getting caught.  All the while, a creature of indeterminate origin was stalking you.  The only clue you had to it’s location was that everything would turn desaturated and gritty when it was almost on you.

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‘The Occupant’ iOS game


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oof.  Long time no post!  Last year I created all the 3D assets for an iOS horror game called The Occupant.  It was a small 2 person project between me and a friend, built with UDK.  In total I believe I modeled between 45-55 assets, almost entirely environment pieces, and then the Occupant creature itself.  I also designed the app icon and menu screen art, in addition to a few Facebook banner ads.  We launched the game around Halloween 2013 and for about a 2 and a half weeks were the ‘Best New Games’ section.  Halloween ’14 we were featured on the iTunes’ ‘Scariest Games’ page as well, which was a blast!

occupantFeaturedApp Icon


Menu Art


Will do a large asset/gameplay image post after this.